Celebrating the end of an era.

An extremely rare walkact

Not that there aren't workers. But as a walkact they hardly ever exist!
EventComedy jumps into the breach and inspires with the Miners Walkact as well as with the Cleanroom Workers!

Lovable characters who have a lot to tell.

Not only Ruhrpott

✔ Hardware Store Anniversaries

✔ Summer festivals.

✔ Product launch (See "Letzte Schicht" booze).

✔ Any type of celebration in which the world of work plays a role.

✔ Historical events.

✔ Museum celebration

Outfit and occasions

Workers Walking Act examples:

Workwear - store openings (Würth)
Original miner outfit - (market launch "Letzte Schicht", Ruhrpottevent, ExtraSchicht...)
Hansa Colliery
Moers Shaft IV / ExtraSchicht (2018, 2019)
Steelworker / Cleanroom Worker - Ruhrpottevent
Miners - Reopening of the German Mining Museum after three years of reconstruction.

Bagatello as a miner at the launch of the brand: The last shift.
Launch of the brand: The last shift
This is only possible at Ruhrpott Events: Miner meets cleanroom worker.
Ruhrpott Events: Miner meets cleanroom worker.
Ruhrpott events with miners on stilts.
Ruhrpott events with miners on stilts.
Worker Walking Act by EventComedy
Worker Walking Act by EventComedy

The shift ends just as your event begins...

...the Malochers prefer to stay on site for a moment. There is a lot to tell: About the shift, about the gamblers on Malle, about the new times and the old times.

The miner- and worker Walking Act of EventComedy.

"Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung. Ihr seid absolute Spitzenklasse.
Glück auf ⚒"

Veranstalter der ExtraSchicht 2019


Am 01.06.2024 finden Sie uns auf der ExtraSchicht 2024 im Nahverkehrsmuseum Dortmund
